The Insurance Industry Almanac
Your Global Guide to Worldwide Insurance Companies, Brokers and Associations, along with related financial services businesses.
The Insurance Industry Almanac 2008 is a unique directory covering the biggest and most successful corporations around the world in all segments of the insurance industry. The Almanac readily enables readers to compare the financial records and growth plans of hundreds of insurance companies and major industry groups.
You will see the financial record of each firm, along with the impact of earnings, sales and strategic plans on each company's potential to fuel growth, create new technologies and provide lucrative and lasting investment and employment opportunities.
No other source provides the Almanac's easy-to-understand comparisons of growth, expenditures, occupations, technologies, corporations, research and many other items of great importance.
Tens of thousands of pieces of information, gathered from a wide variety of sources, have been researched and are presented in a unique form than can be easily understood.
By scanning the Almanac's unique indexes, you can find the best information to fit your research needs. Hundreds of worldwide companies are ranked, using different groups of specific criteria. In addition to individual company profiles, an overview of online services and other major trends is provided.
The Almanac's purpose is to help you sort through easy-to-understand summaries of today's global insurance products, services and trends in a quick and effective manner.
This carefully-researched book (which includes a database of leading companies on CD-ROM) is a complete insurance market research and business intelligence tool - everything you need to know about the business of insurance and risk management, including:
- Property & Casualty insurance
- Life Insurance
- Personal Lines
- Specialty Lines
- Annuities
- Reinsurance
- Health Insurance
- Globalization of the insurance industry, including our profiles of the worlds leading international insurance firms
- Insurance brokerage
- Risk Management
- Consulting
- Significant trends in insurance information technologies
- Risk analysis, call centers and other support services
- Online insurance trends
- Underwriting trends
- Insurance industry software
The Almanac's unique company profiles include such vital details as:
- executive contacts by title,
- revenues and profits,
- type of business,
- competitive strategy,
- growth plans and much more.
Whatever your reason for researching the insurance services field, you will find this Almanac to be an invaluable business intelligence tool.
Chapter 1: Major Trends Affecting the Insurance Industry
Chapter 2: Insurance Industry Statistics
Chapter 3: Insurance Companies Contacts
Chapter 4: The largest 400 Companies worldwide
Geographic Index
Individual Data Profiles
List of Major Tables and Figures
This impressive Almanac covers all facets of the Insurance Industry. The CD-ROM edition enables the researcher to search by key word and export key information, addresses, phone numbers and named executives for every company profiled. The Almanac’s data you get the competitive intelligence you need to fully understand business trends, technologies, markets, finances and the leading companies. And, you can export mailing lists of companies and executives.
Softcover 500pp Book or CD-ROM editions:
US$395.00 each including insured delivery
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