Revised on April 8, 2008
1 | 15-17 Apr | Applying Balanced Scorecard to HR Management | Irham Dilmy MBA | |
2 | 15-17 Apr | Project Management Systems with MS Project and | Ir. Asep Saefulbachrie MBA | |
3 | 15-17 Apr | Records Retention Management and Scheduling | Djoko Utomo MA | |
4 | 16-18 Apr | Customer Relation Skills | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
5 | 16-18 Apr | Performance Coaching: Practical Application for Managers and Leaders | Wisnu Wardhono PhD | |
6 | 21-23 Apr | Managerial Skills and Leaderships for Secretaries and Administrators | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
7 | 21-23 Apr | Activity Based Budgeting and Cost Control | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
8 | 22-24 Apr | English Business Writing and Spoken English | Santi Herawati M.Hum | |
9 | 22-24 Apr | Export Import, Shipping and Customs Procedures | Team | |
10 | 28-30 Apr | Supervising and Controlling Outsourcing Works | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MBA | |
11 | 28-30 Apr | How to Build a Result Oriented Team | Dr. Surya Chandra Psi. | |
12 | 5-7 May | Communication and Negotiation Skills for Frontliners and Support Personnel | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
12A | 5-7 May | Effective Purchasing Audit | Drs. Jan Hoesada MM | |
13 | 6-8 May | Creativity and Facilitating Skills for Internal Trainers | Niam Muiz Psi. | |
14 | 6-8 May | Risk Management: Concept, Implementation and Manual | Ir. Asep Saefulbachrie MM | |
15 | 7-9 May | What Secretaries and Administrative Assistants Should Know about Public Relations Management | Toto Soeparto MM | |
16 | 12-14 May | Current Trends in Records Management and Filing Systems | Djoko Utomo MA & team | |
17 | 12-14 May | Purchasing Management & Negotiation in Purchasing | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MBA | |
18 | 14-16 May | Advanced Presentation and Communication Skills | Yaya Suwarso MBA | Yogya |
19 | 14-16 May | Accounting Principles for Oil and Gas Industry | Drs. Sulhan Askandar | Yogya |
20 | 21-23 May | People Skills for Team Leaders | Wisnu Wardhono Ph.D | |
21 | 21-23 May | Advanced Public Relation, Event Management & Protocol | Drs. Toto Soeparto MM & team | |
22 | 21-23 May | Becoming A Tough and A High Performing Secretary and Administrator | Yuniko Deviana MM | Batam |
23 | 21-23 May | Cost Reduction Strategy in Inventory Management | Ir. Asep Saefulbachri MM | Batam |
24 | 28-30 May | Effective Communication through the Phone | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
25 | 28-30 May | Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Resolution | Wisnu Wardhono Ph.D | |
26 | 2-4 June | Advanced Supervisory Management and | Wisnu Wardhono PhD | |
27 | 2-4 June | Cash, Account Receivable & Account Payable Management | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
28 | 2-4 June | Fraud Prevention and Detection | Drs. Jan Hoesada MM | |
29 | 3-5 June | How to Manage, Motivate & Maintain Your People | Yaya Suwarso MBA | Yogya |
30 | 3-5 June | Developing Adversity Quotient (AQ) for Improved Performance (Meningkatkan Ketangguhan Pribadi di Tempat Kerja) | Yuniko Deviana | Yogya |
31 | 9-11 June | Effective English Business Writing | Santi Herawati MHum. | Yogya |
32 | 9-11 June | Work Simplification | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
33 | 11-13 June | Project Evaluation and Financing | | |
34 | 11-13 June | Effective Time and Self Management for Optimum Results | Ratna K. Adam, Psi. | |
35 | 16-18 June | Multicultural Communication & Negotiation | Niam Muiz Psi | |
36 | 16-18 June | Leading a High Performing Team with Great Results | Wisnu Wardhono Ph.D. | |
37 | 17-19 June | Advanced Secretary Learning Forum | Team | |
| 17-19 June | Financial Awareness and Literacy for Secretaries and Support Personnel | Drs. Ishak Ramli MBA | Yogya |
39 | 18-20 June | Creativity in Solving Office Problem | Niam Muiz Psi. | Yogya |
40 | 18-20 June | Outsourcing Management, Tender Systems & Contract Management | | |
41 | 23-25 June | Essential Skills for Supervisory Management | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
42 | 23-25 June | Leadership, | Dr. Surya Chandra Psi and Irham Dilmy MBA | |
43 | 25-27 June | Developing Critical Administrative Skills | Team | |
44 | 25-27 June | Assertiveness and Influencing Skills | Ratna K. Adam Psi., MSi. | Bandung |
45 | 1-3 Jul | Basic Exploration for Support Personnel | Ir. Kris Hendardjo | |
46 | 1-3 Jul | Working with People for Commitment and Results | | |
47 | 2-4 Jul | Business Contract: Drafting, Negotiation and Agreement | Andi Ismail Mackulau SH | |
48 | 7-9 Jul | Budgeting Management for Non Financial Personnel | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
49 | 7-9 Jul | Speaking and Presenting with Greater Clarity & Impact | Yaya Suwarso MBA & Niam Muiz Psi. | Bandung |
50 | 8-10 Jul | Risk Based Audit | Lim Kurniawan SE, MM | |
51 | 9-11 Jul | Successful Business Negotiation and Lobbying Skills | Ir. Joko Margono MBA | |
52 | 9-11 Jul | Delivering | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
53 | 14-16 Jul | Managerial Skills for Middle Managers | Wisnu Wardhono PhD. | |
54 | 14-16 Jul | Supervising and Controlling Project Works | Ir. Asep Saefulbachri MM | |
55 | 15-17 Jul | Mastering Office Communication & Administration | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
56 | 21-23 Jul | Electronic Filing Systems | Team | |
57 | 21-23 Jul | Competency Based HR Management | Irham Dilmy MBA | |
58 | 23-25 Jul | Public Relation and Corporate Communication | Toto Soeparto MM | Yogya |
59 | 23-25 Jul | Cash, Account Receivables and Account Payables in the Oil and Gas Industry | M. Sulhan Askandar | Yogya |
60 | 4-6 Aug | Still Productive Under Pressure | Yaya Suwarso MBA | |
61 | 4-6 Aug | Communicating with Tact and Skills | | |
62 | 5-7 Aug | Basic Budgeting and Cost Control for Secretaries and Support Personnel | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
63 | 6-8 Aug | Training Needs Analysis and Managing the Training Function | Ir. Hendrik Silitonga CITD | |
64 | 11-13 Aug | Completed Staff Work | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
65 | 11-13 Aug | Purchasing Management and Negotiation in Purchasing | Ir. Joko Margono MBA | |
66 | 19-21 Aug | Strategi Pengamanan Asset Tanah | Soeparjo Sujadi SH, MH | |
67 | 19-21 Aug | Interviewing Skills for Employee Selection and Performance Improvement | Yaya Suwarso MBA | Batam |
68 | 20-22 Aug | How to Manage, Motivate and Maintain Your People | | Batam |
69 | 20-22 Aug | Understanding Others and Conflict Management | Ratna K. Adam Psi., MSi | Bandung |
70 | 20-22 Aug | Emphatic Customer Relations Skills | Dra. Agustina Budhiarto | |
71 | 20-22 Aug | Integrated Supply Chain Management | Team | |
72 | 25-27 Aug | Supervising and Controlling Outsourcing Work | | Yogya |
73 | 25-27 Aug | Developing Adversity Quotient (AQ) for Improved Performance (Meningkatkan Ketangguhan Pribadi di Tempat Kerja) | Yuniko Deviana MM | Yogya |
74 | 26-28 Aug | Mentoring, Coaching and Counseling Skills | Yaya Suwarso MBA | |
75 | 27-29 Aug | Advanced Budgeting and Cost Control For Team Leaders | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
76 | 27-29 Aug | Effective Media Relation for Successful Public Relation Management | Drs. Toto Soeparto MM | |
77 | 15-17 Sep | Owner Estimate: Penyusunan dan Penggunaannya dalam Pengadaan Barang – Jasa | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MBA | |
78 | 15-17 Sept | Lead & Inspire Others to Perform Better! | | |
79 | 13-15 Oct | Leaderships, | | |
80 | 13-15 Oct | Simplicity at Work | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
| 14-16 Oct | | Wisnu Wardhono PhD. | |
82 | 14-16 Oct | Tendering Systems for Outsourcing Work | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MBA | |
83 | 15-17 Oct | Teknik Menghadapi Media Massa & Publik dalam Konferensi Pers dan Wawancara dengan Wartawan | Drs. Toto Soeparto MM & Team | |
84 | 20-22 Oct | Tax Update for Oil and Gas Industry | Jaja Zakaria MSc. | |
85 | 22-24 Oct | Interpersonal & Communication Skills | | |
86 | 22-24 Oct | Creativity in Solving Office Problem for Administrators | Niam Muiz Psi. | |
87 | 22-24 Oct | Finance and Accounting for Non Finance Personnel | Drs. Ishak Ramli MM | |
88 | 27-29 Oct | Project Management Systems | Ir. Asep Saefulbachri MM | |
89 | 28-30 Oct | Purchasing & Logistics Management | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MM | Batam |
90 | 29-31 Oct | Effective Records Management & Document Control for ISO 9000 Compliance | Djoko Utomo MA & team | |
91 | 3-5 Nov | Assertiveness and Influencing Skills | Ratna K. Adam Psi., MSi. | Yogya |
92 | 3-5 Nov | Making Effective Technical Presentation | Ir. Kris Hendardjo | Yogya |
93 | 5-7 Nov | Effective Purchasing Audit | Drs. Jan Hoesada MM | |
94 | 5-7 Nov | Performance Management through Leadership | Wisnu Wardhono PhD. | |
95 | 10-12 Nov | Multicultural Communication & Negotiation | Dr. Surya Chandra Psi. & Yaya Suwarso MBA | Yogya |
96 | 11-13 Nov | Working Effectively with Your Boss | Yuniko Deviana MM | Batam |
97 | 11-13 Nov | Outsourcing Management and Control | Ir. Joko Margono MBA | |
98 | 18-20 Nov | Productive Office Management and Administration | Yuniko Deviana MM & Djoko Utomo MA | |
99 | 19-21 Nov | Developing Critical Administrative Skills | Team | |
100 | 24-26 Nov | Business Contract: Drafting, Negotiation and Agreement | Andi Ismail Mackulau SH | |
101 | 26-28 Nov | How to Build a Result Oriented Team | Dr. Surya Chandra Psi. | |
102 | 1-3 Des | Handling Customer Complaint Successfully | Yuniko Deviana MM | |
103 | 3-5 Des | Penyusunan Jadual Retensi Arsip untuk Optimasi Sistem Arsip Perusahaan | Djoko Utomo MA & Team | |
104 | 3-5 Des | Organizing Yourself for Maximum Effectiveness | Ratna K. Adam Psi., MSi. | Bandung |
105 | 10-12 Des | Assertiveness for Frontliners | Dra. Agustina Budhiarto | |
106 | 10-12 Des | Decision Making & Problem Solving for Team Leaders and Managers | Niam Muiz Psi. | |
107 | 15-17 Des | Negotiation Skills for Purchasing and Logistic Personnel | Ir. Joko Margono MBA | |
108 | 16-18 Des | Managerial Cost Analysis | Drs. Jan Hoesada MM & team | |
109 | 16-18 Des | Sistem Pengadaan Barang-Jasa dan Administrasi Kontrak | Ir. Budijanto Wahjudi MM | |
110 | 17-19 Des | Export Import and Customs Procedures | Team | |