Thursday, July 31, 2008


Bersama ini, kami dari PT. Multi Solusi Elektrindo menyampaikan informasi
mengenai inovasi terbaru yaitu "ELECTRIC POWER TREATMENT SYSTEM (EPTS) &

Apabila Bapak/Ibu ingin menjaga/meningkatkan performa kerja perangkat
elektronik yang ada di rumah, kantor, tempat usaha, maka penggunaan
EPTS/EBS merupakan pilihan yang bijaksana.

Informasi terperinci mengenai EPTS/EBS dapat diakses di web kami : (pada bagian "type & model" terdapat daftar

Khusus menyambut hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia di tahun 2008 ini,
kami memberikan "HARGA ISTIMEWA" untuk setiap type EPTS/EBS.

Untuk pemesanan, Bapak/Ibu dapat memberitahukan kepada kami melalui e-mail
dengan alamat :

Terimakasih atas perhatian yang diberikan Bapak/Ibu.

Hormat kami,

Management PT. Multi Solusi Elektrindo

Phone Call : 021-94217544, 021-91814125

CAR/TPL Reinsurance- Construction of offshore/ onshore pipeline, Brunei

FAO: Construction/ Engineering department

Please kindly find as an attachment hereon copy of submission documentation in respect of above-mentioned project including but not limited to our Placing Slip, Time Schedule, Description of Works and Site Plan forming the basis on which we would appreciate your most favourable response.

Kindly note that we have been requested to seek Reinsurance solution for this particular risk which concerns the erection of an offshore/ onshore pipeline in Brunei worth USD 80,000,000.

Rekayasa Industry is leading EPCC company with scope of business including Gas, Geothermal, Refinery, Petrochemical, Mineral, Environmental, and Infrastructure.

For further information about the company, please visit their website

Trust you will find contents in good order to enable you to offer lead quotation and please do not hesitate to revert to me for any clarification that may be required.

Thank you for your anticipated co-operation and look forward to a response at your earliest convenience.

Kind regards,

Jessica Wilson

Construction Division

Direct Tel no. +44 207 397 4885

Fax no. +44 207 621 9042


From: Mr. Robert Johnson
Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire

I am contacting you in regards to a business transfer of a huge sum of money from a deceased account. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction.

I discovered an abandoned sum of US$8,500,000.00 (Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family. Since his death, none of his next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to this money as the heir. We cannot release the fund from his account unless someone applies for claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines.
Upon this discovery, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin to the deceased as all documentations will be carefully worked out by us for the funds (US$8,500,000.00) to be released in your favour as the beneficiary's next of kin.
It may interest you to know that I have secured from the probate an order of mandamus to locate any of deceased beneficiaries. Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of our mutual business endeavour by furnishing me with the following
1. Beneficiary name and address.
2. Direct Telephone and fax numbers.

These requirements will enable us file a letter of claim to the appropriate departments for necessary approvals in your favour before the transfer can be made. We are going to share the total sum on final conclusion of this project, and I will like to invest in your country.
If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not take undue advantage of the trust we have bestowed in you, I await your urgent mail.

Mr. Robert Johnson.

NB: Please if you are interested with the deal, kindly respond back with your full name and address, fax/phone numbers, to enable us proceed immediately without any delay


Essential Supply Chain Management

Aligning Corporate Strategy with Supply Chain Strategy

Bauma 15-16 Agustus 2008,Invest : 2.000.000,-

Sejak dikembangkan awal 1990, supply chain management berkembang pesat seiring dengan berkembangnya informasi teknologi dan globalisasi. Hal ini diantaranya ditandai dengan semakin seringnya kita temui supply chain manager di perusahaan yang bertugas untuk memastikan optimasi dari pengelolaan supply chain di perusahaan2 tersebut.

Bahkan saat ini Supply Chain Management merupakan competitive advantage penting bagi perusahaan global dalam memberikan pelayanan yang cepat dengan variasi produk yang tinggi dan cost yang rendah, sehingga Perusahaan dapat tetap exist di tengah persaingan yang semakin ketat. Dalam pelatihan ini peserta akan dikenalkan dengan:

  • konsep supply chain
  • bagaimana SCM (supply chain management) menciptakan value bagi customer
  • menyelaraskan strategi SCM dengan strategi perusahaan
  • metode mengukur & memperbaiki performance SCM

Outline :

Ø Apa itu Supply Chain

Ø Sejarah Supply Chain

Ø Manfaat supply chain

Ø Key process in supply chain

Ø Bagaimana supply chain menciptakan value bagi customer & investor

Ø Corporate strategy & supply chain strategy. Bagaimana menyelaraskan kedua strategi tsb

Ø Customer focus strategy & market driven strategy

Ø Demand driven supply chain

Ø Elemen penting menunjang SC strategy

Ø Bagaimana mengubah SC strategy menghadapi perubahan pasar

Ø Proses mengembangkan sasaran yang terukur

Ø Aliansi untuk meningkatkan daya saing

Ø SCM Driver & Obstacle

Ø Bullwhip Effect

Ø Supply Chain Product

Workshop Leader: Iwan Nova, MBA, CPIM, CSCP

Pengalaman 17 tahun dalam bidang manufacturing beberapa perusahaan MNC seperti Mitsubishi Electric, Sony, Mattel, Pirelli Cables. Lulus dari ITB teknik elektro dan mendapatkan MBA dari Monash University, mendapatkan sertifikasi CPIM (Certified Production Inventory Management) dan CSCP (Certified Supply Chain Professional) yang dikeluarkan oleh APICS (Association for Operation Management) pada tahun 2005.

F O R M U L I R P E N D A F T A R A N :

Nama :

Perusahaan :

Alamat :

Telp :

Email :

Segera Hubungi :

TELP : (021) 5211125 / FAX : (021) 5711302

HP : 08129950038 / (021) 98023498

Marketing/Research and Development Division

Kami, PT. Consumer Research Indonesia (CORINDO) adalah sebuah lembaga riset independen yang sudah berpengalaman dalam hal riset pasar dan analisis pemasaran.
Adapun layanan yang dapat kami berikan seperti Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Mystery Shopping survey, Advertisement dan Product test akan sangat membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan dan Strategic Planning di Management.
CORINDO adalah sebuah lembaga riset yang full namun juga fleksibel. Artinya, apabila klien menginginkan full research dari mulai designing, data collecting, data entry dan processing hingga reporting, atau klien hanya menginginkan partial research seperti data collecting/field service saja atau data processing saja, CORINDO sangat mampu untuk mengerjakannya.
Kami juga mengirimkan Company Profile kami (terlampir) agar Bapak/Ibu dapat lebih mengenal CORINDO secara mendalam.
Apabila ada pertanyaan lebih lanjut atau Bapak/Ibu menginginkan rate card kami, mohon menghubungi kantor kami di 021-93277597 atau Email di
Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan Terima Kasih.
Hormat kami,
Sendy O. Harriesanjaya