Friday, September 26, 2008


Nomor : 178/MD/NEXUS-IRI/IX/2008 Jakarta, 1 September 2008

Lamp. : Brosur & Formulir

Kepada Yth.


* Direksi / CEO Perusahaan

* Corporate Secretary

* Corporate Communication Manager

* Head of Investor Relations

* Public Relations Manager

* Finance & Treasury Manager

* Marketing Manager

Perihal : Undangan “Investor Relations Workshop Series”

Dengan Hormat,

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas profesionalisme perusahaan maka diperlukan pengembangan kapasitas organisasi &

sumber daya manusia melalui pelatihan & pendidikan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, PT NEXUS MANAGEMENT melalui

INVESTOR RELATIONS INSTITUTE - IRI mengundang Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu untuk mengikuti

Investor Relations Workshop Series sbb:


Kiat & Teknik Sukses

Mengelola Hubungan dengan Media ®

How to Win & Enhance

Corporate Investor Relations

Through Media

Comm. Management ®

How to Write & Design ANNUAL REPORT and

CSR Reporting ®

Batch 3


Selasa, 14 Okt. 2008

Rabu, 15 Okt. 2008

Rabu – Kamis, 29-30 Okt. 08


09.00 - 16.00 wib

09.00 - 16.00 wib

09.00 – 17.00 wib


Hotel Aryaduta

Hotel Aryaduta

Hotel Mulia Senayan

Biaya Investasi

Rp. 1.450.000,-

- Group Disc. 10%

untuk 3 peserta

Rp. 1.450.000,-

- Group Disc. 10%

untuk 3 peserta

Rp. 3.950.000,-

- Group Disc. 10%

untuk 3 peserta

Early Bird - before

16 Sept. 2008

16 Sept. 2008

26 September 2008

Workshop ini sangat bermanfaat bagi peningkatan kualitas wawasan dan pengetahuan SDM serta kesiapan Perusahaan

dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis di masa mendatang.

Apabila Bapak/Ibu berminat mengikuti workshop tersebut diatas dan membutuhkan informasi lengkap, maka dapat

menghubungi Sekretariat Nexus dengan Ira (081315268891, 021.71269180), Devina (08121895619), Juan (08558440338).

Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

PT Nexus Management

Tel. 021. 91300384, 30295234

Fax. 021. 8310653

Email :

Harga terbaru notebook dan accesories

Dengan ini saya infokan harga notebook terbaru.
Hubungi kami untuk keterangan lebih lanjut.

Terima kasih

Hub : Ali (0812-70110880), Yuli (021-70063207), Zilah ( 081319244874 ), Irwan (021-325.33.234)
Mangga Dua Square Lt.UG Blok B No.48-50
Jl.Gg Sahari, Jakarta
T. 021-62311230
F. 021-62311232


Type Specification Price Update
12.1" LCD
F9E18DX 12.1" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5500, 1GB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 8 in 1 Card Reader, Rotatable240o 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery, Bluetoot 2.0 + EDR, Finger Print Security System $ 999 / Rp 9.190.000 23-08-08
F9S22DPM 12.1" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7500, 1GB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400 dedicated 128MB Turbo cache 256MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 8 in 1 Card Reader, Rotatable240o 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery, Bluetoot 2.0 + EDR, Finger Print Security System, Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium $ 1.299 / Rp 11.950.000 23-08-08
14.1" LCD
X80Le15DX 14.1" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5250, 1GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 4 in 1 Card Reader, Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery $ 769 / Rp 7.074.000 23-08-08
A8Sc22DX 14.1" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7500, 1GB DDR2, 120GB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce Go 8400M dedicated 128MB Turbo cache 256MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 4 in 1 Card Reader, Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery $ 1.099 / Rp 10.110.000 23-08-08
F8Sg21DPM 14.1" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T8100, 2GB DDR2, 160GB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce Go 9300 dedicated 256MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 8 in 1 Card Reader, Rotatable240o 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery, Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium $ 1.345 / Rp 12.374.000 23-08-08
15.4" LCD
F5RL16DX 15.4" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5450, 512MB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, ATI Radeon Xpress X1100M shared 128MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 4 in 1 Card Reader, Rotatable240o 1.3MP Webcam $ 649 / Rp 5.970.000 23-08-08
X51RL17DX 15.4" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Pentium Dual Core processor T2370, 1GB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, ATI Radeon Xpress X1100M shared 128MB, DVD SuperMulti, 4 in 1 Card Reader, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery $ 659 / Rp 6.062.000 23-08-08
F3E16DX 15.4" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5450, 512MB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 8 in 1 Card Reader, Rotatable240o 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery $ 719 / Rp 6.614.000 23-08-08
F5SL16DPM 15.4" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T5450, 1GB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon X3450 dedicated 256MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer, 4 in 1 Card Reader, 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, Genuine Windows Home Premium $ 999 / Rp 9.190.000 23-08-08
F3Sv20LBU 15.4" WXGA LCD Colorshine, Intel Core 2 Duo processor T7250, 1GB DDR2 667MHz, 120GB HDD, NVIDIA GeForce Go 8600 dedicated 256 MB Turbo cache 512MB, DVD Writer SuperMulti Dual Layer LightScribe, 8 in 1 Card Reader, 1.3MP Webcam, 6 Cell Li-ion Battery, Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR, Finger Print Security System, Genuine Windows Vista Business $ 1.249 / Rp 11.490.000 23-08-08
Asus Eee PC
Eee PC 2G Surf 7" LCD, GNU Linux, 512MB, 2GB SSD Storage, Ethernet, WiFi, Hi-Definition Audio Built-in Stereo Speaker Microphone, 4 Cells Battery Rp 2.599.000 21-08-08
Eee PC 4G 7" LCD, GNU Linux, 512MB DDR2, 4GB SSD Storage, Ethernet, WiFi, VGA WebCam, Hi-Definition Audio Built-in Stereo Speaker Microphone, 4 Cells Battery Rp 3.199.000 21-08-08
Eee PC 900 8.9" LCD, GNU Linux, 1GB DDR2, 20GB SSD Storage, Ethernet, WiFi, 1.3MP WebCam, Hi-Definition Audio Built-in Stereo Speaker Microphone, 4 Cells Battery Rp 4.399.000 21-08-08
Eee PC 900XP 8.9" LCD, 1GB DDR2, 12GB SSD Storage, Ethernet, WiFi, 1.3MP WebCam, Hi-Definition Audio Built-in Stereo Speaker Microphone, 4 Cells Battery, Genuine Windows XP Home Rp 4.599.000 21-08-08

" Harga dapat berubah tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu "