Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Free Invitation to Attend - Capital Raising for Indonesian Companies Forum

We would like to invite you to attend our Capital Raising for Indonesian Companies Forum on:

Wednesday 10th June 2009
Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta
(8.30am – 2.00pm)

Whilst the current market conditions may have delayed companies’ immediate plans to take their companies’ public; the pipeline for global IPOs is still strong and it is widely believed that the IPO market will start to recover towards the end of this year.

Preparing for a listing either domestically or overseas takes time and resources; now is the best time for a company to evaluate its options, appoint its advisers and prepare itself so that they are ready to IPO when the capital markets pick up.

In a first of its kind event in Indonesia, the Forum will shine a spotlight on the process of listing in London. Professional advisers and senior executives from the London Stock Exchange and PLUS Markets will be on hand to cover topics such as:

- Listing rules and regulations for London’s Main Board, AIM and PLUS Market
- Advantages of a dual listing in London for Indonesian companies
- Different listing methods
- Considerations for Indonesian companies when seeking a London listing
- Ongoing listing obligations

The Forum is very kindly being sponsored by Mazars, Stephenson Harwood and SVS Securities with keynote addresses from Mr Marzuki Usman, Former Chairman of Bapepam/Indonesian Capital Markets Supervisory Agency, former Minister and current Senior Advisor, Mazars Asia Pacific, Ms Jane Zhu, Head of Asia Pacific at the London Stock Exchange and Mr Paul Haddock, Head of Capital Markets at the PLUS Markets Group.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to find out for FREE how a listing in London can help your company develop and grow. For more information, please visit

Register NOW!!

We look forward to seeing you on the day!

Best Regards

Centillion Forums
T 852 2521 6505

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