Thursday, November 6, 2008

Strategic Budget Planning and Cost Control for Leader

Al-Ikhlas Training Consulting menginformasikan mengenai training Strategic Budget Planning and Cost Control for Leader yang akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26-28 November 2008 di Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta.

Informasi lebih detail silakan hubungi Rita di (021) 70099944, (0251) 2786775 atau 0818792929.

Strategic Budget Planning and Cost Control for Leader

Instruktur: DR. Wiwiek M. Daryanto, SE, Ak., MM, CMA

17-21 November 2008, Melia Purosani, Yogyakarta

(peserta diharapkan membawa Laptop)

Finance and Accounting Supervisors and Managers
Branch Managers
Unit Managers
Cost Conscious Managers or Supervisors that needs to understand "how to" improve decisions, do budgeting, or reduce costs
Everyone in production as well as human resources department and others who expect to take away techniques, template and tips to improve their department’s performance and decision-making

This course surveys the broad areas of planning, budgeting, and cost control. Beginning with strategic planning using internal and external analysis that creates profit planning process and cost volume profit analysis for break even planning.

Participants will also learn how to relate strategy, long term plan, and the master budget, and how to conduct operational and managerial controls through hands on examples, exercises and cases.

Discussion will be extended to applying contemporary budgeting techniques drawn from major industrial companies.

•To identify and discuss concepts, issues, and techniques in financial decision-making and management, and to illustrate their application through case studies.
•To improve the understanding and roles of strategic planning and budgeting in achieving the firm's goals.
•To increase the involvement and appreciation of the participants in the development and implementation of strategic planning and budgeting.
•To enhance the understanding of the participants between strategic planning and its operational planning.
•To enlarge the understanding of the participants in identifying factors relevant in planning, developing, and controlling the company's budgets.

1.Introduction to and Overview of Strategic Planning
2.The need for Strategic Planning and Budgeting
3.Cost behaviour and the relationship to the budgeting process
4.Strategic planning exercise: case studies.
5.Managing Budgeting Process
6.Strategy, Long Term Plan, and the Master Budget
7.Capital budgeting
8.Master budget exercise: case studies
9.Cost control
10.Operational control
11.Management control

5 (Five) Days


Dr. Wiwiek M. Daryanto, SE, AK, MM, CMA is an expert in accounting and finance. She earned a degree in accounting from the University of Gadjah Mada, a Master of Management (MM) from the University of the Philippines (UP) and Doctoral degree from Intitut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). She is also a member of Certified Management Accountant of the Institute of Certified Management Accountant (ICMA), Australia.

Date: November 17-21, 2008
Time: 08.00 am - 16.00 pm
Venue: Melia Purosani Hotel, Jogjakarta

Rp. 8.950.000,-
Pembayaran sebelum tanggal 10 November 2008 Rp. 8.250.000,-

Do not include accommodation, however special rates will be available at the venue hotel for participants
Training Materials/Kits, Certificate(s), Refreshment and Lunch included, Souvenir
Tuition fee should be paid or transferred in full upon registration and payable to a/n : Rita Salawati
Bank Mandiri KCP Soekarno Hatta
Account No. 130-0004452838

Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Al-Ikhlas Training Consulting
Rita Salawati
Telp. (021) 700 999 44 atau (0251) 2786775
Fax. (0251) 8556301
HP: 0818792929

1 comment:

promo indonesia said...

Bagus nih arikel bisa jadi sebuah inspirasi, thanks yah buat admin