Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Rimender Workshop Strategies For recruitment And Selection

Instructor : Bapak Saifudin Bachrun ( Mantan Director HR )
BAUMA Tanggal 17 - 18 JANUARI 2008, Jam 08.30 – 17.00
Invest Rp.2.000.000,-
Why You should attend this seminar :
A recent industry survey indicated that 93% of employers were experiencing recruitment difficulties,compared to 72% a year earlier.
At the same time,were seeing the growth of the savvy candidate,higly aware of market value and tuned in to the different employer brands on the market place.recruiters therefore face a tricky balancing act: candidates are increasingly demanding about what they want out of work,and many sectors are experiencing skill shortages and recruitment difficulties.This interactive programme draws upon experience of a wide range of private and public sector recruitment and selection techniques.It helps you to find and keep the right people-the individuals who will make the biggest impact on your organisation and customers.
Program :
  1. Clarify key stages of the recruitmentprocess.
- What are the key stages.
- Beginning with the organisations master plan.
  1. Focusing on Key result areas.
- Lifting the horison:moving from tasks and responsibilities to the candidates overall contribution to organisation and team objectives.
  1. Key documentation and activities.
- designing a well-planned, cost-effective recruitment campaign.
  1. capturing the job on paper.
- How key documents help you produce an effective wish list and ensure equal opportunities recruitment practice.
  1. Why candidates respond-or dont.
  2. Short-listing.
  3. Key areas of recruitment law.
  4. Measuring candidates.
  5. effectives Interviewing.
  6. developing interviewing Skills
  7. Interview structure.
  8. Skills and competencies.
  9. Biographical and Competency based interviews.
  10. Practical exercises to develop selection skills
F O R M U L I R P E N D A F T A R A N :
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Segera Hubungi :
Faisal Reza
Telp : (021) 5211125
Fax : (021) 5711302 / (021) 2522135
HP : 08129950038 / (021) 98023498

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