Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Training Supply Chain Management

Sheraton Hotel - Bandung, June 8 - 10, 2009

Course Leader: Ir. Antarikso Abdulrahman, MBA, Ph.D., CPIM

The huge amount of expenditures for procuring materials in most industries demands effective and efficient in managing materials. This course will discuss the development of Supply Chain function , especially the future trend, and best practices.

Who Should Attend?

Managers and Staff of:

  • Procurement functions
  • Warehouse Functions
  • Inventory Planner
  • Logistics Function
  • Materials Specialists
  • Vendor Management

Benefit of Attending:

Improve the knowledge and skills in managing materials procurement. Know how to reorganize the supply function so that it become profit making function.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    1. Is Procurement function a service or a support function? What is its significance?
    2. Looking back at the history of procurement.
    3. The fact: no school to become buyer.
    4. Basic Principles of Materials Management
    5. Five Rights in Materials procurement

i. Right Price

ii. Right Quantity

iii. Right Quality

iv. Right Time

v. Right Source

    1. The Evolution from Buying to Purchasing to Procurement to Supply Chain
  1. Purchasing Management
    1. Purchasing Cycle
    2. Request for Information (RFI)
    3. Request for Quotation (RFQ)
    4. Request for Proposal (RFP)
    5. Demand Management and Forecasting
    6. Supplier Selection and Rating
    7. Tender Process
    8. Owner’s Estimate
    9. Quality Assurance
    10. Negotiation
    11. Professional Certification in Purchasing
  2. Inventory Management
    1. Materials for Production
    2. Materials for Exploration
    3. Materials for Projects
    4. Materials for Maintenance operations
    5. Materials for Service operations
    6. Service Level
    7. Safety Stock
    8. Demo: Monte Carlo Simulation of Safety Stock
    9. Professional Certification in Inventory Management
  3. Material Skill
    1. Material Knowledge
    2. Material Skill
    3. Value Analysis
    4. Buying from OEM
  4. Vendor Management
  5. Warehouse Management
    1. Inbound
    2. Outbound
    3. Layout
    4. Warehouse Performance Metrics
    5. FIFO and Materials Valuation

About the Course Leader: Antarikso Abdulrahman


Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia

University of Wisconsin (MBA), Madison campus, Wisconsin, USA

Pennsylvania State University (Ph.D. in Operations Management, USA

Professional Certification:

Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM), from the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), now: the Association of Operations Management

Professional Membership:

Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS), UK

American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), USA

Project Management Institute (PMI), USA

Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), USA

Indonesian Production and Operations Management (IPOMS), Indonesia

(Chairman, Advisory Committee)

Teaching Experience at:

Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia

Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia

IPMI MBA Program (in English), Indonesia

Smeal College of Business Administration, Pennsylvania State University, USA

Workshop Fee

Rp 5,000,000,-- per participant. This will cover workshop fee, snack and lunch. Hotel accommodation and transport to the workshop venue are not included in this fee. For those who live outside of Bandung we will be happy to assist you to book the hotel for you.

Participants will receive

  1. Hard copy of presentation materials.
  2. Certificate of Attendance

About PT. Kosmopolis Pro Patria

PT Kosmopolis Pro Patria (KPP) is not just a training provider company, it is a true Training Company run by full-time professional instructors. Founded by well experienced instructors with doctoral degrees in their area of expertise, KPP focuses its training areas in the internal competence of any corporation: operations, cost management (managerial accounting) and finance. In management training programs in Indonesia our instructors have carved out a benchmark in training excellence. To guarantee that our courses are academically sound and yet truly practical, our instructors are also equipped with professional certification in their areas of expertise.

Trust the management trainings of your employees in our hands and you will join many satisfied companies in our programs.


“To be the strategic alliance partner in your executive development programs”

The Founders:

Dr. Ir. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, MSc

Industrial Engineering, ITB

Stanford University, USA

Dr. Ir. Antarikso Abdulrahman, MBA, CPIM

Ir., Mechanical Engineering, ITB

MBA, University of Wisconsin, USA

Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, USA

CPIM (Certified in Production and Operations Management, APICS, USA

Dr. Wiwiek M. Daryanto, SE.Ak., MM, CMA

SE.,Ak. Faculty of Economics, University of Gadjah Mada (cum laude)

MM., University of the Philippines, Los Banos

Dr. Agricultural Industrial Technology, IPB

CMA (Certified Management Accountant), ICMA Australia

Our Address:

Jl. Utama V No. 18, Pondok Bambu, Jakarta 13430

Tel.: 021-8661-2052


021- 861-6982

Fax : 021-861-6982 E-mail : kp_propatria@telkom.net ; propatria@cbn.net.id ; propatria2@telkom.net

Tika : 0813-2539-0528

Ulin : 021 – 9538-8584

Adji : 0857-2988-8826

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