Friday, February 27, 2009

Super Secretary : Improving Your Personal Business Skill

Super Secretary :
Improving Your Personal Business Skill



Bila ada alamat email lain yang lebih tepat untuk kiriman informasi pelatihan ini harap diberitahukan kepada kami melalui email Namun bila Anda tidak menghendaki adanya kiriman email seperti ini lagi - apapun alasannya - kami mohon kemurahan hatinya untuk memberitahukan kepada kami dengan mengirimkan email kosong ke : Terima kasih atas kerjasamanya.

Jadual & Lokasi :
Rabu, 04-03-2009 - Kamis, 05-03-2009
Harris Hotel Tebet / The Park lane Hotel Casablanca


Fee/Investasi :
Rp 2.950.000,-

: : Early Bird Rp 2.750.000 untuk pembayaran sebelum tanggal 24 Februari 2009 : :
: :
Untuk pendaftaran Group sebesar Rp 5.200.000 untuk pendaftaran 2 orang peserta : :

Who should attend ?
- Executive Secretary
- Corporate Administrators
- Personal Assistants
- Public

Course Leader :

Dra. Jenny Soeseno, Psi

Adalah Master Trainer di bidang Personality Development, Communication & Human Resource, dengan pengalaman memberikan training dan konsultansi selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Dengan pengalaman karir terakhir sebagai Senior Manager HR pada sebuah bank terkemuka di Indonesia.

Selain dikenal sebagai trainer yang handal selama bergabung di John Robert Powers, beliau juga memberikan training di berbagai lembaga dan perusahaan terutama untuk topik-topik: Personal Development, Interpersonal Communication, Time & Stress Management, Business Presentation, Motivation, Strategic Interview & Recruitment, dsb.

Training Description :

In this modern life, secretary become more than just a person who performs routine, administrative, or personal tasks for a superior. Or simply just an office employees perform duties such as typing, computer processing, and scheduling for an executive.

Centaintly, those are the basic principles & jobs of a secretary. But there are many other role & responsibility that a secretary should have to handle in more developed institution or company need. Their role & responsibility also follow their own personal development as the company develop their business.

This course is designed to get the very best out of the secretary as far as the company is concerned and build a framework for the secretary to develop.

Manfaat Yang Didapat Dalam Mengikuti Pelatihan Ini :

- Creating opportunities for your personal development and accepting the challenges when they arise
- Managing yourself, your subordinates and your boss more effectively
- Developing the managerial aspects of your role
- Improving your confidence, assertiveness and communication skills
- Managing the stress and pressure in an increasingly challenging environment

Metode Pelatihan :
Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini adalah lektur, workshop, studi kasus dan konsultasi interaktif.

Outline :

- Fungsi Strategis Pada Jabatan SekretarisThe Strategic Function of a Secretary Position

- Bisnis Yang Dilakukan Dalam Bidang Komunikasi dan Telekomunikasi

- Mengelola dan Mengkoordinasikan Beban Kerja

- Melakukan Pengelolaan Dalam Pengarsipan

- Menjalankan Berbagai Macam Fungsi - Fungsi Tekonologi Yang Ada Dalam Kantor

- Menyelenggarakan Pertemuan

- Mengelola Diri Sendiri dan Bekerja Utnuk Miningkatkan Karir

Skedul Training Bulan Maret 2009 :

Audit-Fraud Series
- 18-20 Maret : Fraud-Auditing : Prevention, Detection & Investigation
- 30-31
Maret : Best Practice in Effective Reporting Audit & Analysis Audit Investigation

Export Import Series
- 13-14 Maret : Pemahaman Prosedur dan Fasilitas Kepabeanan, Shipping Document & Pembayaran Internasional dalam Transaksi Ekspor Impor
- 24-25 Maret : Teknik Mengantisipasi Tambah Bayar dan Sanksi Administrasi Dalam Pengajuan Dokumen Pemberitahuan Impor Barang

Financial, Accounting & Banking Series
- 11-12 Maret : How To Create SOP Enterprise : Set up, Design & Implementation (UPDATE)
- 12-13 Maret : Credit Control Management and Collection Strategy
- 17-18 Maret : Fixed Asset Management (UPDATE)
- 19-20 Maret : Effective Cost Accounting : Financial Analysis, Reduction Cost & Decision Making
- 20-21 Maret : Low Cost Strategy Using MS. Excell (UPDATE)
- 24-25 Maret : Financial Control Management 2009
- 30-31
Maret : Project Financing : Analysis, Financial Risk, Evaluation & Decision Making

HR & Manpower Series
- 05-06 Maret : Supervisory Management : Leveraging Managerial Skills & leadership
- 11-12
Maret : Improving Corporate Training Syllabus
- 19-20
Maret : Implementasi Sistem Karir Melalui Pendekatan Talent Based Management (UPDATE)
- 24-25 Maret : Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Measuring Impact of Training (UPDATE)
- 30-31 Maret : Best Practice in Recruiting, Interviewing and Selecting Employees Management
- 31 Mar-01 April : Outsourcing, Perjanjian Kerja, Aspek Hukum Hubungan Industrial : Implementasi dan Permasalahannya

Logistics, Purchasing & Supply Chain Series :
- 05-06
Maret : Lean Logistic: Reducing Cost in Your Logistic Chain (UPDATE)
- 17-18
Maret : Effective Inventory Management and Control System : Planning and Controlling (UPDATE)
- 18-20 Maret : Project Management With Ms Project Application

- 19-20 Maret : Production Planning & Inventory Control
- 20-21 Maret : Effective Warehouse Operation Through Lean Warehousing (UPDATE)
- 24-25 Maret : Pergudangan dan Persediaan : Manajemen & Administrasi
- 24-25
Maret : Effective Profitable Purchasing : The Eazy Way to Boost-up The Company Profit By Reducing Material Cost (UPDATE)
- 27 Maret : Best Practice in Fundamental of Supply Chain Management : Concept and Implementation

Productivity & Quality Series :
- 17
Maret : Executive Six Sigma : Vision to Business Excellence /Six Sigma Vision

Taxation Series :

- 11 Maret : Financial Statement Analysis : Fiscal Approach (UPDATE)
- 12-13 Maret : Tax Accounting and Reconciliation (UPDATE)
- 24-25 Maret : Tax Loopholes : Pemanfaatan celah - celah Pajak (UPDATE)
- 31
Maret : Creative Accounting Vs Tax Planning : Sebuah Upaya Melakukan Penghematan Pajak (UPDATE)

IT & Computer Series :
- 18-20 Maret : Powerfull Report Writing With MS. Word 2007 For Secretary & Administrator Professional (UPDATE)
- 23-25 Maret : Powerfull Data Analysis & Reporting With Excel 2007 (UPDATE)

Management Series :
- 04-05 Maret : Super Secretary : Improving Your Personal Business Skill


Ayu (0856 1941165) dan Luthfi (02171066836)

Telepon : (021) 71340715 / 71340769 / 7420820
Faximili : (021) 7420820

email :

Registrasi via SMS :
Ketik : RegTraining TitleNama
Contoh : Reg Super Secretary Anton & Anna
Kirim ke : 081514738206

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