Monday, April 14, 2008

Invitation to an Executive Forum: The Superstar CFO, Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan Jakarta, 23 April 2008

Dear Valued Customer,
The SUPERSTAR CFO takes their role from tactical to strategic while they are managing financial activities, being responsible for processes that address the enterprise, and acting as advisor to other groups. This shift in the CFO's role is important and demands information that also moves from tactical to strategic; requiring integrated ERP, Governance, Risk and Compliance, and Performance Management applications to accomplish this.

Attend this breakfast and learn how the CFO's strategic role can promote business viability by unifying corporate strategy, control initiatives, opportunity discovery, and loss mitigation across the extended enterprise.


* 08:00 Breakfast and Registration

* 09:00 Welcome and Introduction
Krish Datta, Managing Director, PT SAP Indonesia.

* 09:15 Strategic Management for CFOs
Naresh Makhijani, Co-author of Best Seller Book: "Successfully Implementing BSC in Asia".

* 09:45 Enhancing Your Risk Intelligence.
Budinata Raharja, Principal, ERS (Enterprise Risk Services), Osman Bing Satrio & Rekan Member Firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

* 10:25 How are SAP Performance Optimization Applications Driving Financial Excellence?
Christoph Theisinger, Director, Performance Optimization Applications, SAP APJ

* 11:05 Lucky Draw and End.

To register, kindly complete the attached slip and fax to +62 21 5724292 or contact Nurul at +62 21 5724289 or Thirty lucky attendees will receive the bestseller book entitled "Mastering Business in Asia: Succeeding with the Balanced Scorecard", written by James Creelman and Naresh Makhijani.

Looking forward to welcoming you at the event.

Warm regards,

Krish Datta
Managing Director

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