Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bloom 1-2-1. 1Concept-2Cases-1Solution. Inspire Your Organization to Change

Dear Bp./Ibu Human Resource Manager,

This 3-pages Bloom 1-2-1 edition June'08, provide you with inspiring insights on how each company (Semco and HCL) implements its participative management concept to get people more motivated to work. To download, you may visit www.bloomhead.com/Bloom1-2-1_Jun08.pdf (PDF,149 Kb).

Over 150 'Fortune-500' companies visited Semco to discover the secret of its success. Fortune magazine has given award to HCL Technologies as 'The world's most modern management’. In HCL, supervisors, from managerial level to CEO, are appraised by the direct reports, put the scores and post them onto corporate intranet for everyone to observe. In Semco, people decided their own salary level and everyone can see each other’s salary.

I hope you enjoy the reading and gain something from this newly released edition of Bloom 1-2-1.

Best regards,
Budi Juda
Managing director
Bloomhead, management consulting

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